*Entropy. Lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.
*Entropy. Lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.
The degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity, is how a dictionary describes entropy. Chaos, disorganization and randomness. It might sound horrible and even scary to someone, but that is the reality where we live every day. Without entropy there cannot be sense of time. Time is a way to measure changes in our reality. It’s hard to be certain when you think of our complicated reality, but one thing is certain. Entropy will not stop any time soon.
Entropia series is like a chaos mode in my camera. It’s is something that I’ve always done and it is always exiting. This series is a way to push my technical limits in photography and a way to discover something new. This method also is very relaxing, mainly because it depends a lot from luck. There are no rules, there is no order. There is only unrepeatable array of random photons, stuck in the mirror of my camera. There is no way that you could plan ahead what kind of photograph you will get by this method and there is no way to repeat the photo you took a second ago. You may use this method on familiar object, but end up with alien results. Until the shutter has closed, everything is possible. When you think of life, there are some similarities.
One way to describe universe is like an egg in a state of exploding. This egg will slowly keep breaking into smaller and smaller parts, until some day there is a still, broken egg on the “floor”. This is when entropy finally stops, when the “galactic shutter” closes. Until then, we are living in an explosion of possibilities.
I find myself relaxed when I think that no matter what we do, the egg will eventually get smashed. It is also soothing to think that in theory, everything is possible. I feel that it is way better to enjoy and appreciate this complicated roller coaster called life, rather than trying to control something that you can not control. Like we don’t see snow floating back to the sky, we don’t see our lives getting any simpler as we get the next promotion. Trying to replicate some of our past experiences will never work and the broken egg will never “explode” back to its original form. One could try to plan every step on the way and focus on the future. By doing this you forget that only thing we really have is now.
The degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity, is how a dictionary describes entropy. Chaos, disorganization and randomness. It might sound horrible and even scary to someone, but that is the reality where we live every day. Without entropy there cannot be sense of time. Time is a way to measure changes in our reality. It’s hard to be certain when you think of our complicated reality, but one thing is certain. Entropy will not stop any time soon.
Entropia series is like a chaos mode in my camera. It’s is something that I’ve always done and it is always exiting. This series is a way to push my technical limits in photography and a way to discover something new. This method also is very relaxing, mainly because it depends a lot from luck. There are no rules, there is no order. There is only unrepeatable array of random photons, stuck in the mirror of my camera. There is no way that you could plan ahead what kind of photograph you will get by this method and there is no way to repeat the photo you took a second ago. You may use this method on familiar object, but end up with alien results. Until the shutter has closed, everything is possible. When you think of life, there are some similarities.
One way to describe universe is like an egg in a state of exploding. This egg will slowly keep breaking into smaller and smaller parts, until some day there is a still, broken egg on the “floor”. This is when entropy finally stops, when the “galactic shutter” closes. Until then, we are living in an explosion of possibilities.
I find myself relaxed when I think that no matter what we do, the egg will eventually get smashed. It is also soothing to think that in theory, everything is possible. I feel that it is way better to enjoy and appreciate this complicated roller coaster called life, rather than trying to control something that you can not control. Like we don’t see snow floating back to the sky, we don’t see our lives getting any simpler as we get the next promotion. Trying to replicate some of our past experiences will never work and the broken egg will never “explode” back to its original form. One could try to plan every step on the way and focus on the future. By doing this you forget that only thing we really have is now.